Ali Jawad – Proud Community Member

home1 Ali Jawad   Proud Community MemberThe boundless vision of Ali Jawad is instrumental to the development of the Arab American community in Dearborn, Michigan. A Lebanese immigrant, Ali is a member of the largest population of Arab Americans who live in the United States, calling Dearborn home.

Ali Jawad founded the Lebanese American Heritage Club in 1982. The club shares its founding date with Lebanon’s Independence Day. The club began as a group of Lebanese immigrants who met up to play soccer and support social events with Lebanese singers. Today, however, the club is one of the premier youth organizations in the Metro Detroit area. Originally named the Lebanese American Club, the group added the word “Heritage” to reflect its members’ dedication to living as Americans.

Ali dedicates both his time and money to ensure the organization functions as a supportive place for Arab Americans to pursue a number of interests. The club is open to all community members who desire an outlet for social, cultural, educational and athletic activities. It is a wonderful asset to meet the needs of a growing Arab American population.

Though it began as an athletic group, today the Lebanese American Heritage Club is a non-profit organization. It shares a diverse group of programs and initiatives throughout the greater Michigan area.

Today, the club is one of the most respected organizations in the nation’s Arab-American community. A few of the club’s featured events include:

  • Lebanese Independence Day Reception
  • Ramadan Iftar Dinner
  • Arab American International Festival
  • Dearborn Police Department’s D.A.R.E.

The Lebanese American Heritage Club proudly participates in the City of Dearborn’s Memorial Day Parade. Club members and their families, together with past and present club-sponsored scholarship recipients, participate in the event. They come together to walk in the parade and share their proud heritage with the people of Dearborn.

The club also sponsors the annual City of Dearborn’s Homecoming Festival. During an annual, three-day event in August, the club shares information related to both Lebanese and Arab culture. The group also provides traditional Lebanese cuisine for festival attendees to enjoy.

The group operates with the mission to encourage the educational, athletic, cultural and social development of members of the Arab American community. In encourages members to enjoy the freedoms and culture of Americans, while, at the same time, upholding Arab traditions. The organization also serves as a network aimed at improving the relationships between different Arab American communities.

The club invites various world leaders to speak at both club-hosted and community special events. As a respected businessman who co-owns Armada Oil & Gas Company with club member Allie Berry, Ali Jawad recognizes the value these experts bring. Past speakers include prominent politicians, business people, academics and even renowned poets.

The Lebanese American Heritage Club sponsors a variety of activities including athletic events, children’s programs and educational scholarships.  Members of the club make financial donations and volunteer their time to support these programs. The club hopes to utilize continued community support to provide ongoing, beneficial programs.

Dedicated to Youth

Ali Jawad is dedicated to the advancement of Arab American youth. He encourages youth to maintain a sense of pride in their Arab heritage as they strive to become patriotic Americans. Ali educates young Arab Americans that the success they experience will arrive as they work as Americans with Arab heritage. They will not experience success if they consider themselves only as Arabs, who happen to live and work in America.

Ali notes the Lebanese American Heritage Club did not become successful until its members worked together to contribute to society. He understands personal successes contribute to the overall success of the community, when its members work together. Ali Jawad is grateful that his adopted country provides each of its citizens an opportunity to weave the culture of their heritage into the culture of America.

Ali Jawad and the Arab American Scholarship Foundation

Established in 1988, the Arab American Scholarship Foundation honors students of high academic distinction. The foundation awards scholarships to Arab American students who desire higher education and have the abilities and drive to succeed. Many of these students would not have the means to attend college if not for their scholarships.

The Lebanese American Heritage Club began its scholarship foundation to both encourage and enable young people to achieve their dreams. Since its inception, the Arab American Scholarship Foundation has provided over $1.5 million dollars in scholarship money to more than 1,000 Arab American students. The program is the country’s largest provider of scholarship assistance to Arab-Americans.

The club is pleased to note the amount of scholarship assistance they are able to provide increases each year. The financial generosity of its members, who recognize the value of higher education, makes these awards possible. The club is proud to note sponsors outside the community also provide funds to aid the academic ventures of Arab American youth.

Scholarships are presented at an annual gala held each May. The popular event draws more than 1,000 people who recognize the scholarship recipients. High school seniors prepared to attend college, as well as existing college students in undergraduate or graduate programs, are eligible.

Middle School Luncheon

The Lebanese American Heritage Club also encourages middle school students to continue their academic achievements.  In close collaboration with middle school administrators, the club’s education committee hosts an annual luncheon to honor students who earn high academic marks. The club always looks forward to this event and is delighted to support the sometimes forgotten achievements of this age group.

School administrators select students to invite to the luncheon. Their selection is based upon both academic achievement and positive behavior. During the event, students enjoy pizza, soda and a ceremony where they receive certificates of recognition. The luncheon encourages students, builds their confidence and propels them toward continued success.

Ali Jawad is a wonderful asset to Michigan’s Arab American community. Ali Jawad is proud to have founded the Lebanese American Heritage Club as a leading supporter of Arab Americans. Through his work with the club, Ali Jawad has helped further the Arab American community.

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